Today I am linking up with my girl Whitney@I Wore Yoga Pants to Work for The Facts of Me link up. Have you ever gone to a theme park and had your mind blown by some of the amazing facts that you learn? That was the brainchild to this link up. So without further ado I would like to welcome you all to the:
Dani's World Theme Park
1. I am afraid of puffer fish! Ha ha I know that I have talked about this before and it is soooo true!
2. I am an Apple product
3. If I could decorate my entire house in Fleur de lis, pink, and Houston Texans things I would be happy.
4. I can't stand driving cars. I love my CR-V. I don't like to feel like I am sitting on the ground while driving.
5. Pit bulls are my all time favorite breed of dog. I have had 2 and they were the sweetest and most amazing dogs every. My dog now is a Rottie mix and I love her so very much. I love big dogs if you can't tell.
6. I had my son Ashton in 2 1/2 hours from start to finish.
7. Please don't tell my girl Whitney but I just don't like the taste of wine. I have tried several kinds, but I don't like any of them Which sucks cause I really want to be a wine drinker. BUT I am not giving up hope, I know that one day I will find a wine that I love!
8. I love Football and the Houston Texans more than any girl should. I can talk football as good as any man can. And it still shocks people that I know as much as I do.
9. I am pretty sure that I was born to be a Disney Princess. Disney is another thing that I love more than any
10. I am unbelievably ADD and I get distracted very easily by pretty much anything.
11. I cry when I get super angry. I cry when I am super happy. Ha ha I cry when things are sweet. You don't even wanna watch an episode of Coming Home with me cause I am a blubbering mess!
12. I have Tombstone and Empire Records totally memorized and watch them anytime they are on tv. I am sorry, but I am not sorry ha ha Val Kilmer is the sexiest Doc Holiday EVER!!! Mmmm "I'm your huckleberry". Le Swoon!!
13. I would rather watch old movies than new ones. Breakfast at Tiffany's, Bringing Up Baby, Philadelphia Story, My Fair Lady, and Singin' in the Rain are just a few of my favorites.
14. Duck Dynasty, Big Rich Texas, and Pit Bulls and Parolees are my guilty pleasure shows.
15. You can tell if I am angry by looking at my left foot. I shake it like a mad woman when I am mad. I don't mean to, it just happens. I try to stop myself, but most of the time I don't even realize that I am doing it.
16. Cigarette ashes make me sick. I hate looking at them, I hate the way they smell, and I HATE the sound of cigarettes being put out in a bunch of ashes. I have now idea why I despise them so much, but I do. Good thing I am a non-smoker lol!
Ha ha soooo did I totally blow your mind??!! I hope you enjoyed reading my facts as much as I enjoyed writing them.

Have you tried Reisling for wine? It's very sweet and it's my fave. I'm not a fan of bitter, dry wine...only sweet ones. I drink it like it's white grape juice :)
Rose wine is my favourite, but I can't stand red!!
I never knew the ADD side of you until your post a little while ago, obviously it's just adds to your awesome!
Haha! I love these!
I remember talking to you about puffer fish.
you and me both on the football talk! It's so funny.. although I do get some hate from other girls for it. But oh well! I love football :)
I shake my foot when I'm mad too. That's usually how my hubby knows he's in trouble!
I am not a huge wine drinker either. I prefer a cocktail! And omg, I too have Empire Records memorized, one of my faves!!! I am so looking forward to meeting up with you and SarahK in Austin sometime soon! :)
Have you ever tried Moscoto di Asti? Now there is Moscato that is from California but the di Asti is a sweet white wine that is bubbly. I wasn't a wine drinker until I found that. Now I'm getting into the drier stuff but slowly. I believe, in my opinion anyway, the Saracco is the best brand.
What you're not a wine drinker? ? Try Prosecco :) I love that everyone is recommending wines to you, guess we are all kinda alcoholics at hear! Haha! I would decorate my house in fleur de lis and pink too! I don't think my husband would like that too much!
New Follower!
I cry when I get angry too... I cry when I get really sad... Not so much when I'm happy though. Hahaha! And AMAZING you had Ashton so fast! :) That's probably every mothers dream! tee hee
I'm also an Apple whore lol and I can't believe you were only in labor for a few hours! My Bean took her sweet time to make her appearance. I even had to have Pitocin. NOT FUN. Heh
"Stalking" your page from Peacoats and Plaid, now following!
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