Happy New Year!! I honestly can't believe that it is 2013 already!! I love the new year. It is a time where you can start over and change your life. Last year I didn't make any resolutions, and it just felt wrong. So now I am back to making resolutions and that makes me happy. So I am linking up with Sarah@ Love, Sarah K and Andrea@Mostly Happenstance for a 13 Resolutions link up.
1. Stop drinking sodas and energy drinks for a year. I have done this before and did GREAT, but I am convinced that I am an addict. Like I will say that I will only have one coke....and OMG I can't stop drinking them. Just say NO to sodas and energy drinks!
2. Lose 50 pounds. That might sound like a lot, but I have a year to do it. I have just got to get my butt in gear. I am going to start working out...stop laughing...I really am!!
3. Start a healthy eating lifestyle. This will go hand in hand with my weight loss resolution. I am going to start cooking my meals and not eating out as much.
4. Plan a beautiful but affordable wedding. I have to get on this one ASAP...considering my wedding is in MAY!!! Hahaha.
5. Get a house with Dustin. I am excited about this one. I can't wait to start my new life with him!
6. Get a job. This one is super important! I need a job like yesterday! I am going to work hard on this one!
7. Read 30 books. Last year I read 20 books just 10 books shy of my 30 book goal. I am really going to try harder to read more.
8. Do more pinterest crafts. I want to have a wedding and home full of pinterest things. I have so many things pinned, I just need to make time to do them.
9. Take Ashton on a great vacation. We are already planning a trip to Virginia and Washington DC in March, so I just need to make sure this happens! I want to take him to all the popular Smithsonian Museums and the National Zoo.
10. Start a new tradition. I am making a jar that we can put different notes in through out the year, and we will read them next New Year's Eve.
11. Make time for my blog. I want to grow my blog and be a great blogger. That means I need to make time to blog. At night I need to start pre-writing blogs.
12. Strengthen my relationship with God. I need to find a good church family and really start getting closer to the Lord. I think that is very important in having a happy life.
13. Work on loving myself. It is time for me to be happy with me. I am getting married this year and in order for me to have a great relationship, I need to love me. So this is the year that I stop downing myself all the time, and start loving myself.
What are your resolutions?? No matter what your resolutions are this year, make sure that you make 2013 a great year!!

very nice goals! good luck with them!
Great goals! We have some similar goals. Good luck with wedding planning! That's fun. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Dani!
You can definitely accomplish these goals! I used to be addicted to sodas (and coffee too), but once I got over the month of headaches I have been so happy to not drink one. It's very hard to believe, I know, and every now-and-then I crave one, but I feel so much better without them.
Thanks for linking up with us :)
Great resolutions! I wish I felt the urge to actually read books more... But I just read... things, online. Like... Blogs. lmao.
Good luck with them!
dropping by from the link-up! Soda is my problem too! Happy New Year!
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