
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Vacation Recap

I had an AMAZING but totally crazy spring break with Dustin and the kids! We left on Tuesday the 12th and got home Tuesday the 19th. In that time we went to several different states and just because I like to make lists I am going to list the states we went to.
Washington DC
North Carolina
South Carolina

See I told you that we went to a lot of states!!

I think that I am going to do this in a few different posts so here we go!

Day One.

We left at 6:00 Tuesday morning and started off to Louisiana. I was driving because Dustin had just gotten off of nights! Poor fella! So anyways the kids were in the back watching movies and I was rockin out to my music and we made it to Louisiana pretty quickly. As always we stopped at the visitor center and took pics. Dustin decided that he wanted to drive after that, which sucks cause I had planned on stopping at a place so the kids could hold an alligator haha but that didn't happen. We drove through Louisiana, Mississippi, and into Alabama that first day. We ended up staying in Birmingham, Alabama for the night cause we were both so freaking tired. Although looking back I wish we would have kept driving...ha ha the hotel was rather scary!!

Day 2.

We got up super early because we had a LONG drive ahead of us. We stopped in Chattanooga, Tennessee so we could go to the Moon Pie store! It was so cute and I feel in love with downtown Chattanooga. Day two was terrible for me. We were in mountains and I could not get comfortable at all. I was so tense and actually had a pretty big breakdown. I started sobbing and told Dustin that I just wanted to stop. He told me that we couldn't stop and that I needed to calm down and take a nerve pill...haha so I did. And let me tell you it HELPED!! It took the edge off, plus the crying really helped. So I laid back and tried to sleep...and just as I was about to fall asleep, it started to snow!! It was amazing! It was not hard snow at all, just a few flurries, but for this Texas girl it was great. We kept driving cause we were trying to hurry and get to DC and were several hours away ha ha but THEN we realized that we were going through Bristol, Tn....if you don't watch NASCAR then this means nothing to you lol but we are fans and wanted to see the racetrack. So we took a little detour and went to the racetrack. We got out and took a few pics and then got back on the road. While driving it started to snow again!! This time it was coming down pretty good.....So we pulled over so the kids could get out and enjoy the snow. It was fun. Then we got back in and started driving towards DC seemed like it took FOREVER!!! Ha ha we got to our hotel at 12:00am!! The hotel was super close to the Pentagon and we could see the Washington Monument from where we were, which I thought was pretty cool.

Here are some pics from the first two days!

The kids were ready to go!
We did some alligator hunting....Choot Em!!

I love them.
Made it to Mississippi
Then Alabama.
Mmmm the kids had Krispy Kreme for the first time.
Are you from Tennessee?  Cause you are the only 10 I see!  Haha

Uncle Si loves moonpies!!

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I got a panda hat!  Ha ha

Woo Hoo Bristol!!

It was COLD!!!
I love love love him!!!!
Ha ha little snowballs!!
And a little bitty snowman!
SMILE babe!!!
OMG we made it to the hotel!!!  

 I can't wait to tell you all about day 3!!  That was when we spent ALL day in Washington DC!!!!

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Monday, March 25, 2013

CRAZY couple of weeks!!

Hey everyone!!  I have been CRAZY busy these past few weeks.   It all started with my trip to Washington DC and then I came home and had to start getting ready for my bridal shower.  I feel like I have been neglecting my blog, and I am sorry about that, but when I finally settle down for the night I am just exhausted and don't want to blog.  BUT hopefully this week things will calm down and I will be able to blog more. 

I can't wait to tell everyone about my trip and my AMAZING bridal shower!!  I have tons of pics to share with ya'll.  As a teaser here is a picture from my bridal shower.

Yes that is my Mamaw and Papaw in the photobooth!!  OMG this totally stopped the party and made me and a few others cry a little.  I love my grandparents and they have such an amazing kind of love. 

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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Monday Mingling!

Hey everyone!!  If you have not been a part of Monday Mingling then you don't know what you are missing.  I have found so many great blogs through Monday Mingling.  I am so excited that I am a co-host this week!!  Right now I am on my way home from my vacation to DC.....awwwww sad face!!!   I can't wait to tell ya'll about my trip!!  In the mean time come and join me for Monday Mingling!!

Welcome to the seventh week of Monday Mingling! Please take the time to introduce yourselves to our co-hosts! If you are new to this blog hop, please leave us a comment letting us know you are following and we would be happy to follow you back. Thank you for joining us this week, and don't forget to link back to us by grabbing our button. Happy Mingling!

Southern Sunflowers and Coffee Beans

Dani @ Football and Rainbows

Football and Rainbows
Blog Twitter| Instagram 
I have a lifestyle blog. I talk about things I do with my family and my upcoming wedding.

Nicole @ Treasure Tromp

Treasure Tromp

Blog | Twitter | Facebook
I'm Nicole, the lady behind the blog Treasure Tromp. My blog started off as a way to document my attempts at discovering life's little treasures...... and as a way to distract myself from my PhD program in psychology (don't tell my professors). When I'm not studying or working on program evaluations, I like to hike and camp around southern California, obsess over hedgehogs, and make a mess in the kitchen.


1. Follow both of your hosts via GFC.
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2. Follow your co-hosts via GFC

(next two links)

3. Link up your main blog URL, not a specific post.

4. Link back to us by grabbing our button.

5. Tweet, Facebook, and Pin this blog hop. The more you spread the word the more people will link up, and the more success you will have! 

6. Be sure to visit other blogs! Don't just link up and wait for others to find you. 

Let's get this party started!!...

Monday Mingling Blog Hop

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Visiting D.C.

Today we will be getting to Washington D.C. and we will be going to see the White House and all the memorials!  I am so excited.  We are going to visit the Lincoln Memorial at night, because it is so beautiful at night.  I thought I would share some pics of the things that I will be seeing today.

Look how handsome Abe looks!  I wonder what his foot is hanging off the he going somewhere?  One of the greatest presidents ever?  Yes I think so.

We will be going to the biggest memorial in D.C. which is the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial.  It is on 7 1/2 acres of land.  I have never been to it, but from what I hear it is amazing.

Albert Einstein Memorial.  Look how adorable he is!!  I am super excited to see him.  His tablet has stuff written on it, I will have to take a picture of it!

The Vietnam Memorial.  One of the saddest places in D.C.  I would say that it was even sadder than the National Cemetery.  I don't know what it was about the wall....just all the names of those we lost.  It is a very emotional place.

I am gonna go kick it with Obama!!  Ha ha or not!  Actually we are not going into the White House this trip...just gonna go take a picture in front of it.  I have been inside....the tour was pretty lame lol.  You don't get to see anything.

I can't wait to be able to show you all the pictures that I will be taking.  We are taking 3 cameras and 2 there will be a ton of pics I am sure. 

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

On the road again....

Well when this is posted I will be on the road and more than likely already in Louisiana!  We are starting our trip to Washington D.C. and Virginia!  I thought that since I am going on vacation I thought I would talk about some of my past vacations.

I have been to D.C. before when I was 12 years old...ha ha so it has been a long time!  Yikes!!  We are talking 20 years...Oh man!  I remember how much I loved it though.  If you have never been then you really should think about going.  Walking up to the Lincoln memorial is amazing and surreal.  Watching the changing of the guards at Arlington National Cemetery is one of the most beautiful things you will ever see.  The White House is a lot smaller than you imagine, but it is really neat.  I can't wait to make memories with Ashton and Callie!

When I was 15 my grandparents and I drove from Texas to Alaska pulling a camper!  Yes you read that right, I have driven to Alaska.  Alaska is by far the most beautiful places that I have ever been on vacation!  I will never forget being on the phone with my mom on the 4th of July and looking up to see a bald eagle fly over my head!    It never got dark at night...which was really neat.  I would sit outside at 3 in the morning and read books when I could not sleep.  We would be driving down the road and see bears just laying out in the sun while their babies would be was adorable.  We went on a 8 hour cruise while there and that is where I got to see whales, dolphins, puffins, otters, and other sea life.  I want to go back to Alaska, but I think that I would rather fly this time.

I have gone to Disney 3 times in my life and I have LOVED all 3 times.  There is something magical about Disney that turns you into a child when you walk in.  I am actually trying to convince Dustin to take me there for our honeymoon, but he is not going for it.  LAME!!  Ha ha every time we go to Disney we love to meet the characters!  When we went 2 years ago I literately ran to meet Stitch!  Ha ha yup can you imagine a 30 year old girl/woman running to see Stitch?  Lol hey I can't help it...I love him.  We also went to Epcot a second day just so I could meet Tinkerbell.  I am a child...I can't help it.

What are some of your favorite vacations??

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Monday, March 11, 2013

I need to go shopping!

Ha ha Soooooo we leave tomorrow from DC and I still don't have anything to wear to the wedding and I am not packed.  So what am I doing right now??  Well I am sitting here reading blogs and looking at facebook...duh!!  I need to get off of my butt and get busy I have a lot of stuff to do today!!

The real reason that I am here is because my amazing friend Taylor over at Pink Heels Pink Truck has an amazing new website that has just launched today!  It is an online consignment shop, but it is different than any other consignment shop.  All you pay is 1.00 for a 30 day add and then whatever money you make is yours!  I don't know about you, but I think that is a dang good deal!  So please go on over and take a look.  This is her baby and I really want it to do great for her!!

Fabuless Wardrobe

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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Wedding Sunday!!

I am declaring that today is Wedding Sunday!!  Ha ha I am in full wedding mode and want to share some of my plans.  BTW my wedding is now 62 days away!!!  Soooo here are a few of the things I am doing....via Pinterest.

These will be our centerpieces.  Imagine that the Rootbeer bottle is painted black as well.  Also I think that they will all be solid black.  We are also going to tie a ribbon around them. 

I bought a cute box that I am going to make into an advise box.  The box I bought is pink and black to go with my wedding colors, but I got my inspiration from this pin.

I wanted to do something FUN with my RSVP cards.  I found this on Pinterest and I am going to do something like it.  I think it will be fun to see what people write back. 

I am TOTALLY making cards to tell people to use an Instagram hashtag.  I think it will be awesome to have all the pics from everyone's phones under one hashtag.  Did anyone else do that for their wedding??

My bestfriend is going to make my garter, IF she has time ha ha cause she is super busy.  And these are the pics that I sent her for inspiration.  If you didn't know, I LOVE the Houston Texans!  I would have the material be pink and black though. 

Soooo did you know if you send Mickey and Minnie Mouse and also Cinderella and Prince Charming a wedding invitation they will send you a congratulatory gift??!!  Ha ha I LOVE Disney so this is totally happening!!

Dustin and I are going to do a sand ceremony, but we are including Ashton and Callie also.  I am using my Granny's old mason jars and will have 4 small jars and one big jar.  I think that it will turn out great with the 4 different colors of sand.  Our colors will be pink for me, black for Dustin, blue for Ashton, and purple for Callie.

I am so ready for my wedding.  I know that it is going to be so much fun!!  I can't wait to marry Dustin.  He is the man of my dreams.  He treats me and Ashton great and it a lot of fun to be around. 

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Friday, March 8, 2013

Happies and Crappies!!

Scissors and a Whisk: Happies and Crappies Link Up

TGIF!!!  Last week I totally forgot to link up for Happies and Crappies, but I am back today!!  Ha ha I am linking up with Sarah and Steph today. 

1. I bought my bridesmaids their jewelry for the wedding!
2. I booked the hotels for our spring break trip.
3. This time next week I will be going to see the GREAT PANDAS in the National Zoo!!! 
4. I bought my big floppy hat for my bridal shower.
5. I got 4 new books at Half Price books!

1. Still no luck on finding a house.
2. I have to drive the first leg of our trip to DC because Dustin is getting off of nights.
3. My cousin's fiance and I are having our bridal showers on the same day soooo  mine was pushed back to 5:00pm...but that is ok! 

I hope that everyone has an amazing weekend!!

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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Its Ok Thursdays!!

Its Ok Thursdays
Woo Hoo it is Thursday!!  That means I get to link up with Amber and Neely for Its OK!!

ITS OK.......

That I cried this morning remembering my granny.
That it has been 5 years since she went home to be with the Lord and it still hurts.
That our family dresses up her urn to go with the seasons.  She had a sweater for every holiday so we are just keeping her memory alive. 
That her urn has bunny ears on it right now.

That I am SOOOOOO ready for Tuesday because we are leaving for DC.
That I am excited to be able to take Ashton to Krispy Kreme because we don't have any around here.
That I can't wait to walk around the National Mall.
That I am sure I will be emotional while there....there is just something about DC that gives me goosebumps.

That I am ready for my bridal shower!
That I can't wait to wear a boa and floppy hat.
That I still don't have a dress to wear....yikes!
That I know my bestfriend/maid of honor is the best EVER!!!

That I can't wait to get waxed today.
That I am not sorry for having a TMI on my blog.
That my esthetician is amazing and her and I talk the entire time.

So what is ok with you today??

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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I have a crush on you....

Today I am linking up with Erin@Living In Yellow for A Blogger Crush link up!

Everyone has those certain bloggers that you just can't get enough of!  I know that I sure do!  These are girls that even if I don't blog that day, I always go and read their blogs.  Sooo are you dying to know what bloggers I am crushing on??  Well here they are in NO particular order cause I love them all.

Steph from Bourbon and Glitter!!  This girl is great!  She has so much fun and I love reading all about the things that she does.  She is the kind of girl that I would love to hang out with.  I know that her and I would have a blast together.  We could dress up and go on a bar crawl...haha wanna know what I am talking about??  Well go check out her blog!!

Sarah from Love, Sarah K!!  I love this girl!!  She is my texting buddy and I will one day meet her...hopefully soon!  She has a great blog and always has a great attitude.  She has supported me since I met her and is one of my biggest bloggy cheerleaders!

Ruthie from The Chronicles of Ruthie Hart!!  She is a wonderful woman of God.  Her and her husband are expecting their first child, although they already have an adorable fur child named Ernie.  I love reading Ruthie's blog because I love how in love she is with God.  Her blogs put me in a great mood when I read them, they are always so positive.


Marcy!!!  I go and read the amazing Ms. Marcy from The Mustache Diaries for my daily dose of laughter!!  This is one funny funny woman!  I am really happy for her right now because she has started to work out and is ROCKING the weight loss!!  I need to get my ass in gear and get motivated like she is.  I promise you will laugh while reading her blog.  I love how open and honest she is!  She will tell you how it is and doesn't care what anyone thinks.

Whitney from I Wore Yoga Pants to Work is my favorite wine drinking Floridian!  Whit is someone that I have "known" for several years.  She is an amazing woman and blogger.  She is going to be a reality show star some day soon....and I will watch every episode.  I adore Whitney and her blog. 

Well there you have it!  Those are my bloggy crushes.  I have more, but it would take a long time to write about them all.  I hope that you will check them out!! 

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