
Friday, September 9, 2011

Crazy Sexy Diet!!

So as most everyone knows I am starting to work on getting healthy.  I want to lose weight and feel good about myself.  So I have started to juice again and I am walking every day....Well Lord knows thats not enough so I asked Lindsay over at Green Food, Green Thumb, High Heels for some tips on juicing and the raw food diet.  Well she told me about a WONDERFUL book called Crazy Sexy Diet by Kris Carr.  I rushed out to get it yesterday and I am sure glad that I did.  This is not your normal diet book at is filled with all kinds of GREAT info about your body and how to take care of it.  I also joined the website Crazy Sexy Life for support.  Now I don't know if I will go totally by this diet because it is a vegan diet and heck I like meat!  Ha ha but I will start to eat less meat and LOTS more fresh fruits and veggies. 

Just by juicing my breakfast and lunch then eating dinner I have already lost 5 pounds...I know it does not seem like much but I started doing this on Tuesday so I think thats a good loss.  I just have to stay motivated and I will because I am tired of being tired.  I am always so sleepy and don't wanna do things during the day.  I am ready to be healthy and get out there and rock my life.  I am on day 3 of no sodas, and I don't miss them.  I do miss the carbonation burn in my mouth, so I bought some sparkling water to add to my juice. 

Ok well I am gonna get my butt up and off this computer so I can make my breakfast juice.  I am thinking apple, cucumber, carrot, and pear with a dash of cinnamon...Mmmm YUMMY!!!

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