As of April 1st I will be moving into a new house!! Dustin and I are renting a house from very good friend. She is moving to Colorado and is leaving the house fully furnished! Not only is is an adorable house it is still in Santa Fe so Ashton will be able to stay in Santa Fe schools!!
Dustin got me perfume, flowers, pillow/blanket set, and a stuffed dog for Valentine's Day. I love the perfumes that he got me!!
I found a new bridesmaid after one of mine had to drop out. I am excited because she is a great friend. Be on the look out for a blog post introducing my bridal party.
I have amazing friends that text me and talk to me when I am having bad anxiety and they love me even though I can get a little crazy.
I went and got A LOT of candy for the candy buffet I am having at the wedding! Thank goodness for 50% off candy! Ha ha now they are all packed up in a plastic tub so
I was having a great 2 days and then today was a bad one....but I am pulling myself out of my funk.
Ashton is really testing me and he is making me crazy. I love my son to death but he needs to learn that NO means no.
Dustin works all weekend and Ashton is going to his dad's for the weekend. :-(

That is a super cute house!! I love moving :D
Oh my gosh that is a lot of candy - good luck staying out of it, I don't think I could even if it were boxed up haha.
Sorry about your crappies :(
I'm glad you had more happies than crappies :D
Even though Dustin is working and Ashton is going to his dad's I think it will be a perfect time for you to have some DANI time :D
Oh a candy bar! How fun will that be.
And congrats on the house!
And yes it would be nice if kids always got that no means no.
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