Happy Friday!! I hope that ya'll had a great Thanksgiving. I am linking up with Ashley@Adventures of Newlyweds for Friday's Letters.
Dear Stores,
I will not be visiting today because I don't feel like fighting crazy crowds. Sorry I will just wait for Cyber Monday! But I do kinda wanna go out....hmmmm lol we will see.
Dear Thanksgiving,
Yeah thanks for the food coma yesterday! Now I am ready to eat left overs for the next week. HAHAHA
Dear Engagement Ring,
You are beautiful and amazing and I can't stop looking at you! I love the way you sparkle and shine. I am never going to get tired of you!
Dear Duck Dynasty,
I can't get enough of you! I can't help it, I love the beards! Uncle Si and Jace crack me up every week. New goal in life is to meet the Robinson clan!!
Dear Christmas Music and Shows,
WOO HOO!!! I love this time of year! Bring on the happy songs and shows!

lovely letters, miss!
saw you on ashleys page & wanted to say hi!
newest bloggy friend/follower
have a warm weekend!
say hi back sometime?
oh how i love cyber monday!! let the shopping begin :)
I couldn't agree with you more on passing up the crazy crowds. Shopping online is definitely more my thing.
I am still so excited for you about your engagement!! Yay!
My boyfriend and cousin absolutely love that show - it had us all busting up today.
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving :)
I would love if you came and checked out my giveaway!
Shopping online sounds a lot better! :) I'm done with shopping! yay!! And no scratches or injuries!
Just saw your post on the Houston Blogger FB page, so I came to check out your blog! I am TOTALLLLLLY obsessed with Ducky Dynasty too!!!! I have been raving about that show since summer and FINALLY got my hubby into it too! LOVE Uncle Si - soo hilarious (especially him and his obsession with sweet tea!!!!)
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