TGIF!!! I am linking up with Ashley@Adventures of Newlyweds for Friday's Letters.
Dear Ashton,
I am so sorry that you have been sick all week. I hate seeing you look so sad and lethargic. I miss my fun bubbly 10 year old. I hope that you have a great time at your dad's this weekend and I will miss you so much!
Dear School,
I have missed you like crazy this week! I will be back next week, I PROMISE!!!
Dear Strep Throat,
You SUCK!!! I mean my goodness why did you decide to pick on me? What did I do to you?! Well I am taking some huge pill in the hopes of getting rid of you! And seriously don't come back...like EVER!!
Dear Texans,
I have really enjoyed the last 2 games but really I don't need ya'll to go into overtime again this week. Just beat the hell out of the Titans, because I don't think that my nerves can take anymore OT games.
Dear Slugger,
I am already running out of places to hide you, so could you hide yourself for the next few nights? Or at least give me a few ideas.
Dear Hallmark Channel,
I am in love with you and all your Christmas movies, but could you calm down on the commercials?

I wanna watch CHRISTMAS MOVIES ON THE HALLMARK CHANNEL! I have no idea if I even get that channel. HMM~~
Hope you and Ashton feel better soon!
Yay for Friday. Hope you get better! Btw I'm having a 2 year anniversary blog giveaway! Check it out!
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