Its Ok:
To be super excited about going to the Gallaria this weekend.
To go into Tiffany just to dream.
To be dreading the cub scouts camp out I am going on in a few weeks.
To not like sleeping on the ground in a tent.
To love my son so I won't complain to him about sleeping on the ground.
To watch cartoons even when my son is at school.
To really miss drinking Red Bulls....I have not had one since August.
To be very proud of myself for not having one since August.
To not understand why Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy is so popular.
To be reading 3 books at a time.
To cheat on my Kindle Fire with a real book...I love the feeling of holding real books.
To still love my Kindle!!
To be ready for the cold weather to stay.
To be excited that the Texans are playing the Bills this weekend.
To be excited to hear the "boos" when Mario Williams steps on the field.
To still think he is a traitor for going to the Bills.
To be happy he is gone because our defense is GREAT without him!!
What is OK with you??

I wish I had someone to steal halloween candy from :)
Happy Thursday!
Jenn@ Going the Distance
it's always ok to go to Tiffany's and I want a kindle so bad!
Haha I love your list! I always steal, I mean test, my kids candy (:
xoxo Kenzie
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